NthDimension Analysis Suite

The NthDimension Analysis Suite program uses cutting edge technology with state of the art data management in its development utilizing each component in the suite’s array for delivering and deriving the quickest solution to make sound decisions regarding improvements necessary to the overall business operation. In staying with today’s progressive technological advancements harnessing the power of cube technology and online analytical processing (OLAP) makes the NthDimension Analysis Suite the preferred software program to capitalize on. The unique intuitive information will create a stimulating event for the customer while providing rewarding production for the operator making this a powerful solution.  More...

NthDimension Analysis Suite v2.0 is in final testing. The interface has been updated to be more intuitive and utilizes the Microsoft Office 2010 ribbon control. Many of the drawing functions were greatly imrpoved and optimized for speed. Additonal drawing tools and functions were added to make CAD drawing maintenance much easier and more accurately related to the data in the chosen reporting period.  We think you will find it to be the best product available on the market.  Updated screen shots and videos will be provided soon, so check back soon.


  • Dashboard
  • Reports
  • Data Cube Browser
  • Graphical Interface
  • Electronic Device Encoding and Text Information Display